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From Riverhawk to Gator with athletic logos from both AACC and Notre Dame of Maryland
Want to become a Gator? Each year, our students successfully transfer from AACC to Notre Dame of Maryland University.

Transfer Credits to Notre Dame of Maryland

AACC works closely with Notre Dame of Maryland to offer graduates a seamless transfer process. Major in one of the programs listed below at AACC and get priority admission and direct transfer into Notre Dame's corresponding major in junior standing. Or work with an AACC transfer advisor to customize your own academic program plan to successfully transfer.


Ready to develop your transfer plan? If you are a new student, apply to AACC to get started. Current students should speak with an AACC transfer advisor.

Scholarships for Notre Dame of Maryland Transfers

Notre Dame of Maryland University offers the following scholarships for transfer students:

  • Transfer merit scholarships of between $10,000 and $20,000 to students entering Notre Dame with at least 30 credits and 2.5 grade point average and higher.
  • Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships of $2,000 are available to transfer students who are members of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society. 

Transfer students also are eligible for a variety of other scholarships offered by Notre Dame. You can learn more about these and other scholarships, as well as their application requirements, on the Notre Dame scholarships webpage.

What can I study at Notre Dame?

Notre Dame of Maryland offers several academic programs. AACC and Notre Dame have developed transfer agreements and select transfer guides to ensure that you transfer successfully. If your program or major is not listed, you can work with a transfer advisor at AACC to create a custom transfer plan.

The transfer agreements listed below assist students transferring from AACC to Notre Dame to complete a bachelor's degree. The list is organized by AACC major. The select transfer guides help specify which AACC courses you should take if you're planning to transfer to Notre Dame for one of the listed majors.

Notre Dame of Maryland University


A.A. - Studio Arts - Visual Arts Transfer

B.A. - Art - Studio Art



Nursing Agreement


RN to BSN Articulation Agreement
Anne Arundel Community College
Notre Dame of Maryland University


Notre Dame of Maryland University, Inc. (NDMU) and Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) enter into this Articulation Agreement (Agreement) so that students enrolled in the Registered Nurse Associate Science Degree program will have a clear understanding of how their credits will transfer to NDMU into the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Nursing (RN to BSN) program.

This Agreement facilitates the transfer of prospective graduates and graduates of AACC to NDMU and provides valuable advising tools for the student's first two years of study at the community college. Students need to be in the process of completing their Registered Nurse Associate Science degree at AACC prior to being eligible for consideration under this agreement.


A. NDMU will:

  1. Accept the program requirements that AACC students complete for the Registered Nurse Associate Science program as outlined in the documents attached hereto and marked as Exhibit A (AACC to NDMU Articulation Transfer Chart) incorporated and made a part of this agreement and as stated in the NDMU Transfer Policy.
  2. Accept transfer-appropriate courses with a grade of "C" or better, up to a maximum of 68 credits in transfer.
  3. Provide opportunities for AACC students to participate in activities on the NDMU campus prior to enrollment.
  4. Provide concurrent information sessions and advisement opportunities for AACC enrolled students.
  5. Provide assistance throughout the financial aid process and distribute information on external scholarships targeted to transfer students.

B. AACC will:

  1. Provide opportunities for NDMU Admission's personnel to meet with students.
  2. Publicize activities and programs held on the NDMU campus or local sites.
  3. Publicize this articulation agreement and notify prospective students of this opportunity.

C. Jointly AACC and NDMU will:

  1. Designate appropriate officials to review this Agreement to make any changes that are mutually agreed to by the parties as needed. This would include the continuing development of program to program articulation guidelines or possible ATB (associate to baccalaureate) partnership.
  2. AACC and NDMU agree to comply with all provisions of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.


A. Students desiring to enter the Bachelor of Science in nursing program must apply to NDMU and meet the requirements for admission to these programs as indicated on the University's website and/or the current University catalog.

B. Students must be admitted to NDMU as a degree seeking student to be eligible for participation under this articulation agreement.

C. Students may start the RN to BSN Program of Study at NDMU without a RN license. However, students must have an active unencumbered Maryland or compact RN license before enrolling in NDMU coursework that incorporates experiential learning components with NDMU's practice partners, and/or a designated capstone course.

D. Students without an active unencumbered Maryland or compact RN license will not be awarded thirty (30) upper division nursing credits in the program they are entering.

E. As per the Maryland Nursing Education articulation agreement, Registered Nurses with an active unencumbered Maryland or compact state RN license articulating to the baccalaureate level are awarded thirty (30) upper division nursing credits in the program they are entering.

F. NDMU will be responsible for processing the admission of AACC students and/or graduates, and the decision of the NDMU Admission's staff will be final.



  1. Subject to the limitations of the Local Government Tort Claims Act, AACC shall save, defend, indemnify, and hold NDMU, its officers, trustees, employees, and agents harmless for claims, actions and suits for bodily injury, death or property damage arising under this Agreement or any extension thereof by reasons of the actions of AACC or its employees or agents.
  2. Subject to the limitations of the Local Government Tort Claims Act, NDMU shall save, defend, indemnify, and hold AACC, its officers, trustees, employees, and agents harmless for claims, actions and suits for bodily injury, death or property damage arising under this Agreement or any extension thereof by reasons of the actions of ND MU or its employees or agents.


This Agreement will become effective on the date signed below by both college/university officials. Unless terminated pursuant to the terms outlined below, this Agreement is self-renewing and will continue for consecutive one-year periods using the effective sign date as the starting point NDMU and AACC will review this Agreement on a biennial basis.


Either party may terminate this Agreement at the end of the initial term or at the end of any renewed term by giving the other party at least six months' written notice prior to the cod of the relevant term.

Such termination, however, will not apply to students already accepted to NOMU prior to the notice to termination. NOMU accepted students will be allowed to complete their S.S. in Nursing (RN to BSN) program.


  1. This Agreement is not assignable but shall bind the successors of NDMU and AACC.
  2. This Agreement will not create an employment or partnership relationship between NDMU and AACC
  3. No amendment to this Agreement shall be valid and binding unless in writing signed and dated by representatives of both parties who have the authority to sign this agreement on behalf of the respective party.
  4. Notice of any action taken by either party and required to be reported to the other party under this Agreement shall be mailed, certified delivery, or electronic mail with confirmation receipt to the other party at the addresses stated below:

In witness whereof, the parties have executed this agreement below.

Notre Dame of Maryland University

Kathleen Z. Wisser, Ph.D., RN, CNE
Dean, School of Nursing
4701 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Sharon Slear, SSND, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs
4701 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Anne Arundel Community College

Elizabeth Appel, MSW, LCSW-C
Dean, School of Health Sciences
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012-1895

Michael H. Garvin, Ph.D.
Vice President for Learning
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012-1895

Studio Arts Agreement


This Academic Program Articulation Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Anne Arundel Community College (the “Sending Institution”) and Notre Dame of Maryland University (the “Receiving Institution”) (collectively, the “Institutions”) to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from the Sending Institution’s Associates of Arts in Visual Arts Professional - Studio Arts, HEGIS code 500801 and CIP code 109999, to the Receiving Institution’s Bachelor of Arts in Art, HEGIS code 100100, and CIP code 500701 (the “Program(s)”).

A. Qualifying Students

This Agreement pertains to the transfer of “Qualifying Students”, i.e., those students who:

  1. Have successfully completed the program at the Sending Institution;
  2. Are enrolled in the Sending Institution, in good standing;
  3. Are accepted for admission to the Receiving Institution; and
  4. Are able to be admitted and attend the Women’s College.

B. Responsibilities of the Institutions

The Institutions agree to implement the transfer of Qualifying Students in accordance with applicable law and the following requirements and protocols:

  1. A Qualifying Student may transfer into from the Sending Institution into the Receiving Institution for the completion of the Program.
  2. Students may transfer up to 60 credits hours. Only course in which the student earns a grade of C or better will count toward satisfaction of major requirements. Courses that the Receiving School will accept credits for towards completion of the Program include:

    Sending Institution CourseReceiving Institution Comparable Course
    CreditsApplied to*
    ENG 101
    or ENG 101 H
    or ENG 101A
    Academic Writing and Research
    or Academic Writing and Research Honors
    or Academic Writing and Research I
    3 ENG 101 College Writing General Education
      General Education: Math  3   General Education: Math 3 General Education 
    ART 100 Two-Dimensional Design 3 ART 102 Color and Design 3 Major Requirement
    ART 106 Introduction to Digital Design 3     3 General Elective
    ART 209 History of Western Art I 3 ART 120 Survey I 3 Major Requirement
    ART 125 Drawing I 3 ART 101 Drawing I 3 Major Requirement
    ENG 102
    or ENG 102H
    Academic Research and Writing II 
    or Academic Research and Writing II Honors
    3     General Elective
      General Education: Biological and Physical Science 3   General Education: Natural Science 3 General Education
    ART 102 Three-Dimensional Design 3 ART 103 Three-Dimensional Design 3 Major Requirement
      General Education: Wellness 3     3 General Elective
      General Education: Biological an Physical Science 4     4 General Elective
    ART 200 Drawing 2 3 ART 201 Drawing 2 3 Major Requirement
    ART 210 History of Western Art 2 3 ART 121 Survey II: Western Art from the Renaissance through the 20th Century 3 Major Requirement
    ART 121 Black and White Photography 3 ART 109 Basic Photography 3 Major Requirement
      General Education: Social and Behavioral Science (History) 3   General Education: History 3 General Education
    ART 230 Art Portfolio Development 1     1 General Elective
    ART 131 Painting I 3 ART 142 Painting I 3 Major Requirement
      Art Elective 3   Art Elective 3 General Elective
      Elective 4   Elective 4 General Elective
    *Receiving Institution must indicate if course is applied to General Education, Program/Major requirements, or General Elective.

  3. The Receiving Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Sending Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Receiving Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students. The Sending Institution shall designate, and shall provide to the Receiving Institution, the contact information for a staff person at the Sending Institution who is responsible for the oversight of the transfer of Qualifying Students.

     Sending InstitutionReceiving Institution
    Name of staff person responsible for oversight Marcus Wright Dr. Suzan Harkness
    Title of staff person Director of Transfer, Articulation and Career Alignment Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Assessment (AVPAAA)
    Email address 
    Telephone number 410-777-2777 410-532-5316

    Should the staff person or position change, the institution will promptly provide new contact information to the partner institution and inform the Maryland Higher Education Commission of the change.

    Additional contact information:

     Sending InstitutionReceiving Institution
    Name of person Professor Wilfredo Valladares Professor Geoff Delanoy
    Title of person Academic Chair - Visual Arts Chair, Art Department
    Email address 
    Telephone number 410-777-2771 410-532-5582
  4. If the Qualifying Student is using federal Title 38 VA Education Benefits (GI Bill® Education Benefits), the Institutions shall adhere to all applicable U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ regulations, including the regulations governing the awarding prior credit, as regulated under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 21.4253(d)(3) and 21.4254(c)(4).
  5. Each Institution shall adhere to all applicable transfer requirements set forth in the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Code of Maryland Regulations.
  6. Each Institution shall advise students regarding transfer opportunities under this Agreement, and shall advise students of financial aid opportunities and implications associated with the transfer.
  7. Should either Institution make changes to program requirements, the institution will inform the partner institution immediately. The articulation agreement should be updated to reflect the changes and forwarded to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

C. Term and Termination

  1. This agreement shall be effective on the date that last signed by the appropriate and authorized representatives of each Institution (“Effective Date”) and shall remain in effect for one (1) year. This agreement shall automatically renew for one (1) year terms, unless terminated as set forth below.
  2. Either Institution may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement upon delivering 60 days written notice to the other Institution and the Maryland Higher Education Commission. The Institutions agree that termination shall include an agreement that students currently enrolled in the program at the time of termination shall be permitted to complete the program as described herein.
  3. Both Institutions agree to meet once every year to review the terms of this Agreement.

D. Amendment

  1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Institutions with respect to their rights and obligations in carrying out the terms of the Agreement, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings.
  2. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by both Institutions.

E. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland.

F. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. This Agreement may be executed by way of electronic signature and signature pages may be exchanged electronically, and such signatures will be deemed original signatures.

G. Notice of Agreement

  1. The Institutions agree to provide a copy of this Agreement, with any amendments, to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
  2. The Institutions agree to provide copies of this Agreement to all relevant individuals and departments of the Institutions, including but not limited to students, academic department chairs participating in the transfer, offices of the president, registrar’s offices, and financial aid offices.

H. No Third-Party Beneficiaries

There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

I. Representations and Warranties of the Parties

Both Institutions represent and warrant that the following shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall continue to be true and correct during the term of this Agreement:

  1. The Institutions are and shall remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to this Agreement, as amended from time to time.
  2. Each Institution has taken all action necessary for the approval and execution of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives.

Anne Arundel Community College

Michael H. Gavin, Ph.D.
Vice President for Learning
Apr 5, 2021

Alicia Morse, Ph.D.
Dean of Liberal Arts
Apr 5, 2021

Notre Dame of Maryland University

Dr. Suzan Harkness
Associate VP for Academic Affairs
Apr 5, 2021

Pamela O'Brien
Dean, School of Arts, Sciences and Business
Mar 23, 201


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Notre Dame of Maryland University

4701 North Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21210

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