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Writing in a notebook

Our writing and literature noncredit courses feature published authors sharing their expertise in writing and publishing with beginning or published writers. Some topics include resume writing, mystery writing, writing for publications and writing your life story.

For course descriptions, schedule and pricing click on the course numbers below.

Basic Writing Skills

WRI-361 Becoming a Better Writer

WRI-362 Fiction Writing Strategies


WRI-360 Poetry: Discover Your Poetic Potential



WRI-378 Write a Childrens Book for Someone Special NEW!

How to Enroll

The courses on this page are noncredit, meaning you won’t earn college credit toward a degree. You don’t need to apply. Just choose a program or course that interests you and check out our course search for a class that fits your needs. Registration for Fall 2024 opens on July 16!

Visit the noncredit registration page to learn more about enrolling in your course.

For help, email the Instructional Support Center or call 410-777-2325.