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The 21st century has seen demand increase for cinematographers and editors to create inspired art, entertainment and educational media.

Our program is designed to build practical skills while developing your own creative voice. Foster your visual language while working in a supportive environment with other artists and entertainers. Take engaging classes that will expand your knowledge and experience. Build communities and partnerships that encourage artistic and cultural diversity. Gain first-hand experience creating your own films and study the history of the medium.

Career Degrees

AACC offers the following Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degrees. The state of Maryland refers to the A.A.S. as a career degree, because it's intended to provide you with skills to enter the workforce. In some cases, AACC has entered into transfer agreements that allow these degrees to transfer to select colleges. A list of active agreements may be found on this website. You can also learn more about transferring from AACC to continue your education.

Media Production, Visual Arts Professional, A.A.S.

You will develop basic skills in the production and post-production of time-based media. With a focus mainly on digital video, students will get first-hand experience developing, making and editing original footage.

This program is not specifically designed for transfer to a four-year institution. Students who wish to transfer using this degree should consult with a transfer advisor and the department video coordinator to ensure an efficient transfer. Students may also wish to consider the Visual Arts Transfer A.A. degree or the Video Production certificate.

Visual Arts Professional - Media Production (A.A.S.)

Transfer Degrees

The Visual Arts department is proud to offer the Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Cinematic Arts. 

Cinematic Arts, Visual Arts Transfer, A.A.

You’ll receive a well-rounded introduction to film, from analysis and criticism to video and editing as well as the writing of a solid script. You’ll also take standard general education requirements in English, math and science. With this degree, you’ll be well-prepared to transfer to a four-year college or university or begin your career.

Arts and Sciences Transfer - Cinematic Arts (A.A.)

Credit Certificates

The following certificate prepares students for employment and feeds into the A.A.S. degree, if desired.

Media Production

You'll learn the fundamentals of developing audio and video in the preproduction, production and post-production phases. The courses in the certificate program cover technical areas such as storyboarding, equipment setup and operation, lighting, and sound design. You'll also hone your creative voice through unique video projects.

You can complete this certificate for less than $4,500.

Media Production (certificate)

What Our Alumni Say

Job Outlook

Our program can prepare you for a number of careers in media. You can direct or write. Or perhaps you want to work on the more technical side of film, operating the camera or working in sound. You can become a film editor or design digital effects. You can follow the path that most interests you. As people consume more and more media, the need for people in these roles will continue to grow.

The top skills of those who pursue a career in media production and cinematic arts include: 

  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Detail oriented
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Problem solving
  • Writing

What Our Students Create


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School of Liberal Arts
Visual Arts and Humanities

Zoe Friedman, assistant professor


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Meet Associate Professor Zoe Friedman

Headshot of Zoe Friedman

Interests:Working in her art studio, camping, hiking 

A Little More: Zoe Friedman’s videos have been shown at multiple film festivals. She has presented solo exhibitions of her artwork in cities like Copenhagen, Denmark; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Arlington, Va.; Stillwater, Okla.; Easton and Baltimore.

Learn more about Zoe.

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Program Planner for Media Production A.A.S.

Program Planner for Film Studies A.A.