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Student writing in notebook with AACC cup.
Are you a storyteller? A poet? A wordsmith? Do you have a screenplay idea you want to bring to life? A unique perspective for a creative nonfiction essay? 

AACC’s Creative Writing degree is the program for you!

In the Creative Writing program you’ll study with our experienced faculty of professional poets and prose writers and explore your boundless imagination while sharpening your critical and verbal skills. In addition to expanding your talents in writing fiction, poetry, movie scripts, plays and creative nonfiction, you’ll develop a professional attitude about your writing. In the program's capstone course, you’ll work with one of our professors to build a portfolio of creative work ready to submit to literary journals or to advanced academic writing programs. Those who complete this degree are well prepared for advanced undergraduate study in creative writing, English and related fields. 

We invite you to join our literary community!

Transfer Degrees

The English department is proud to offer the Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Creative Writing. As an additional transfer option, AACC has the unique Transfer Studies degree. Both degrees will prepare you to transfer to a four-year institution. Whichever path you choose, we strongly encourage you to meet with an advisor to structure your AACC studies to meet your specific transfer goals.

Creative Writing, Arts and Science Transfer, A.A.

This two-year program allows you to develop as a reader and a writer and to hone your talent in writing fiction, poetry, screenwriting, playwriting and nonfiction. As a creative writing major, you’ll study with faculty who are practicing poets and prose writers, explore the resources of your imagination, sharpen your critical and verbal skills, and develop a professional attitude about your writing. Start by taking our Introduction to Creative Writing (ENG-200) course, which also fulfills AACC’s arts and humanities' general education requirement. Your creative writing degree will culminate in a portfolio of polished work that you can use to apply to advanced programs in creative writing or submit to publishers as you begin your career.

Arts and Sciences Transfer - Creative Writing (A.A.)

Transfer Studies, A.A.

The Transfer Studies, A.A. allows you to explore different subjects or concentrate on a specific course plan that will best meet your in-state (and even some out-of-state) transfer goals. This option is particularly good if you are undecided in your ultimate career direction, not sure where you'd like to eventually transfer or just looking to complete general education requirements while "testing the waters" of a particular major. No matter what brings you to Transfer Studies, the result is a well-rounded associate degree preparing you for further studies and successful career. 

Transfer Studies A.A. 

Join a Vibrant Literary Community

Amaranth, the student literary journal

Amaranth is AACC’s student-run journal for the creative arts. Published every April, Amaranth showcases student writing and visual art from the college community and its alumni. Taking on the role of editor-in-chief, managing editor, publicity manger or staff member gives students the opportunity to develop job-related skills in a creative field. Students run staff meetings and advertise the journal while soliciting submissions, working within a budget  and coordinating with a print shop to produce a volume worthy of the creative work contained within its pages. Staff members can also earn college credit while working on the journal. Amaranth has been recognized with numerous awards, including the College Media Association’s Pinnacle Award, the Community College Humanities Association’s Literary Magazine Contest and the prestigious Pacemaker Award from the Associated Collegiate Press.

Learn more about Amaranth or submit work.


Coffeehouse is a monthly open mic event hosted by the staff of Amaranth where participants are invited to read their poems and stories, present and discuss visual art or short films, or perform music, monologues, comedy sketches or dance. 
Coffeehouse is a great opportunity for students to get to know each other and share their creative talents, for prospective students to get a glimpse of AACC's creative community and for alumni to see old friends and catch up. 
Every April, the final Coffeehouse of the year is a release party for the latest edition of Amaranth. Magazine contributors read and discuss their pieces, awards are presented, and family, friends and faculty are invited to support and celebrate the amazing creative work produced by our students. 

Due to current concerns with COVID-19, Coffeehouse events are virtual until further notice.

When's the next Coffeehouse?

Writers Reading Series

Writers Reading at AACC hosts an array of writers including poets, fiction writers, essayists, songwriters, memoirists, playwrights, journalists and screenplay writers. Guest writers read from their work and engage in discussion with the audience about things such as their creative process, the arc of their careers and advice for beginning writers.  
Writers Reading events are sponsored by the School of Liberal Arts and are free to students, faculty, staff and members of the community. 

When's the next Writers Reading?

AACC Writing Awards and the League for Innovation

The Creative Writing program actively promotes the writing of its students. All enrolled students are eligible to submit their writing to college awards for potential cash prizes and inclusion in Amaranth. Our program is also affiliated with the League for Innovation, which hosts a Student Literary Competition. Students who win our local League for Innovation competition at AACC are sent forward to compete at the league level for cash prizes and international recognition in the League for Innovation journal. 

Learn how to submit to writing awards at AACC.

Learn about AACC's Young Writers Award

Job Outlook

You’ll develop a portfolio of original work ready to use as a writing sample for applying to advanced creative writing programs or to submit to reputable journals. Our comprehensive core of general education classes and specialized coursework in creative writing provides a solid foundation to transfer to colleges and universities in creative writing or related disciplines.

A degree in creative writing offers a variety of career opportunities in writing, editing and publishing. Graduates can pursue careers as authors, poets, screenwriters or playwrights, creating original works for books, films, television or theatre. Other potential roles include editors, copywriter and content creators, where professionals develop and refine written materials for businesses, media outlet and advertising agencies.

Creative writing graduates can also enter fields like publishing, communications or public relations, applying their skills in storytelling, communication and creative thinking to shape brand narratives and engage audiences. Additionally, some pursue careers in academia or teaching, sharing their expertise in writing with others.

A few of the top skills found in those who pursue a career in creative writing include:

  • Detail oriented
  • Editing
  • Research
  • Writing

What Our Students Say

Transfer Partners and Scholarships

Check out the tabs below for information on where you can transfer your degree and scholarships that can help you pay for college.


We're here to help.

School of Liberal Arts

Garrett Brown, professor


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Meet Professor Garrett J. Brown

Garrett Brown headshot

Interests: Writing and reading poetry, brewing beer, playing the ukulele

A Little More: Throughout his life, Garrett Brown has experimented with many forms of art: theater, painting, music and literature. “To me, the arts teach us how to hone our experience of life and appreciate the world around us,” he said. 

Learn more about Garrett.

Crosby Marketing Scholars Program

The Crosby Marketing Scholars Program creates greater opportunities for underrepresented students from diverse backgrounds to pursue degrees and future careers in advertising and public relations. You could receive up to two years of tuition, fees, book and supplies.

Learn more about the Crosby Marketing Scholars Program.

Related Studies

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