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Anne Arundel Community College is committed to providing programs, activities and an educational environment in which all individuals are valued, respected and secure. Therefore, all forms of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and sex discrimination, including, but not limited to, non-consensual sexual acts, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking are expressly prohibited. Retaliation for reporting any such conduct is also expressly prohibited. This policy applies to all Anne Arundel Community College students, faculty, administrators, staff, volunteers, vendors and others conducting business on behalf of the college, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. 

All members of the college community share in the responsibility to create and maintain a safe learning environment. Employees who have been or are being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination, or who are aware of another who has been or is being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination shall immediately notify the college Federal Compliance Officer so appropriate action can be taken.  Students who have been or are being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination, or who are aware of another who has been or is being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination are strongly encouraged to notify the college Federal Compliance Officer, college Department of Public Safety and Police, or other appropriate college authorities or local law enforcement. 

In accordance with state law (Education Article, 11-601), upon the initiation of a formal Title IX investigation, each current or former student alleging a violation of the college’s sexual misconduct policy and enrolled as a student at the time of the incident that is the basis of the alleged violation and each current or former student responding to an allegation of violating the college’s sexual misconduct policy and enrolled as a student at the time of the incident that is the basis of the alleged violation shall be permitted access to legal counsel paid for by the Maryland Higher Education Commission.  Further, the college shall provide written notice of the incident under investigation to the students involved, with a description of their rights and participation in the investigative process.

The Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the president, or his/her designee, to develop and establish appropriate procedures to implement and enforce this policy and to develop, implement, maintain, and keep current an educational, informational, and compliance program consistent with this policy.  

Policy Title:  Sexual Misconduct Policy

Policy Category:  General

Policy Owner:  President  

Policy Administrator:  Chief Compliance and Fair Practices Officer

Contact Information: Tierra Gregory,, (410) 777-1239  

Approval Date:  June 11, 2019

Effective Date:  August 1, 2019

History: Adopted May 10, 1994; revised May 12, 2009; June 9, 2015 (effective July 1, 2015

Applies to:  All Faculty, Staff and Students

Related Policies: N/A

Related Procedures:    

Forms/Guidelines: N/A

Relevant Laws:  Maryland Education Article, 11-601