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AACC and the Broadneck Peninsula Trail

Aug. 28, 2023

You may have noticed some ongoing work on the edge of campus along College Parkway recently and have some questions. Hopefully we answer them here... 

What is going on?  
Anne Arundel County is continuing its work on Phase III of the Broadneck Peninsula Trail. The Broadneck Peninsula Trail is a paved 10-foot-wide asphalt path utilizing primarily the public right of way of College Parkway for nine miles. Once completed, the trail will link the B&A Trail to Sandy Point State Park with a spur to Bay Head Park. The county is currently working on the section of the trail between AACC’s athletic fields and College Parkway. 

What is happening to the trees?  
The county is removing approximately 16 mature trees, along with some smaller trees and decorative landscaping, to widen the existing sidewalk along College Parkway. 

Will you plant new trees?  
The county will plant juvenile trees along the path that will match the species of those removed.  

Why can't the path go around the trees?  
An arborist from the county recommended removing them due to the project’s impact on their root systems. The existing path is being widened and a retaining wall is also planned. 

Where will the path run?  
The trail crosses to the college’s side of College Parkway near the Henry "Hank" Libby Building (near the barn). It runs along College Parkway next to the athletic fields to AACC’s main entrance, where it crosses back to the other side of College Parkway again.  

Why does the path cross the road? 
The county determined the easement width was insufficient on the other side. 

Did AACC give land to the county for this project?  
No, the college has an established easement with the county. 

How long will the project take?  
The county estimates phase III of the project will be completed in November 2023.  

Will the project impact parking or traffic?  
The project will not impact the college entrances or parking, though the county may need to periodically close lanes along College Parkway.  

Where can I get more information?  
Visit Anne Arundel County’s website for more information.  


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