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Going for the Gold

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Feb. 24, 2022

AACC’s Health and Life Sciences Building was awarded the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The certification is a globally recognized holistic evaluation of a building’s sustainability efforts. In addition to the Health and Life Sciences Building, the college’s Truxal Library and Ludlum Hall are also certified LEED Gold.

“This recognition demonstrates the college’s dedication to sustainable and innovative practices,” Dr. Dawn Lindsay, AACC president, said. “I am proud to add HLSB to the list of campus buildings that are certified LEED Gold.”

Some of the building’s features contributing to the certification are electric vehicle charging stations, more than 1.3 acres of native landscaping and low-flow plumbing fixtures. More than 25% of the materials used in the Health and Life Sciences Building came from responsible sources, including products with a high recycled content, salvaged materials and Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)-certified wood. The few trees removed for the building were milled into wood paneling used in it.

“We received 66 total points for HLSB. The minimum points required to get gold is 60,” said Jim Taylor, interim executive director of Administrative Services. “The bulk of HLSB's points came from energy efficiency within the building.”

More about LEED Certification.

Take a virtual tour of the Health and Life Sciences Building.

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Alicia Renehan
Public Relations Manager

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