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ENG-099 Support Acad Writing/Research

Collaborate with the instructor to obtain extra support in developing critical writing, reading, and thinking strategies. Obtain extra support in specific writing skills at the sentence and essay levels with an emphasis on the research process. Develop and implement strategies and tools that promote academic success. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in ACL 040 or appropriate placement into ENG 101A or permission of the department chair. Corequisite: ENG 101A. You must register for the corresponding section of ENG 101A (e.g. ENG 101A-003 and ENG-099-003). Note: Students who earn a grade of C or better in ENG 101Awill earn a passing grade in ENG 099 and progress to ENG 102. Students who earn a grade of D in ENG 101Awill earn a passing grade in ENG 099 and will be eligible to take ENG 101or may choose to repeat both ENG 099 andENG 101A.

Term: Summer 2025

Course Type: Credit - 2 Equivalent Credits

Section: 221

Ways to take the class: Online

Start Date: 05/27/2025

End Date: 08/17/2025

Location: Online

Room: TBA

Instructor: Jen Alise Hardisty (Subject to change)

Class Size: 18

Section Info: Students must also register for ENG-101A-421.