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CTP-145 Relational Databases and SQL

Learn the fundamental concepts of database systems including design, implementation, and security using Oracle. Learn to create a database, build various database objects, and manipulate data using the structured query language (SQL). Use this universal database programming language to write simple and complex queries to retrieve, insert, update, delete, and filter information in the database. This course is the first in the series of Oracle database administration courses and addresses the core material of both the SQL Fundamentals and the SQL Expert certification exams needed to become an Oracle Certified Associate. Prerequisite: CTP 103 or permission of the Computer Technologies Director or Database Administration Coordinator.

Term: Spring 2025

Course Type: Credit - 4 Credits

Section: 200

Ways to take the class: Online

Start Date: 02/03/2025

End Date: 05/18/2025

Location: Online

Room: TBA

Instructor: Walters Musi (Subject to change)

Class Size: 20