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CTP-160 Python

Develop computer programs in the Python programming language using fundamental design principles and problem-solving techniques. Learn data types, control structures, classes, multithreading, client/server programming, data structures to organize and manipulate data, and I/O in the Python programming language. Learn to apply Python to computer security topics. Emphasize style, documentation, solution robustness, and conformance with specifications throughout course work. Prerequisite: CTP 115 or CTP 115H or permission of computer science department chair.

Term: Fall 2024

Course Type: Credit - 3 Credits

Section: 201

Ways to take the class: Online

Start Date: 09/09/2024

End Date: 12/15/2024

Location: Online

Room: TBA

Instructor: Xi Kramer (Subject to change)

Class Size: 20

Section Info: This section is participating in the Direct Digital Access program. A course materials fee of $82.50 plus tax will be charged to your student account when you register. Your course materials will be accessible in Canvas on or before the first day of class. For more information, visit