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PRC-316 PLP Field Trip: Brandywine

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Term: Fall 2024

Course Type: Noncredit - 0.0 CEUs

Section: 901

Ways to take the class: Face-to-face

Days: S

Time: 7:30AM to 5:45PM

Start Date: 10/19/2024

End Date: 10/19/2024

Location: Off-Campus

Room: Xoff

Instructor: Varies (Subject to change)

Class Size: 40

Section Info: Note: PLP membership is a pre-requisite. PLP membership is $30 for July 1 - December 31, 2024 and will be added during checkout. There will be walking through the museum and farm. Please contact The Brandywine Museum of Art and Woodland Phillips Mushroom Farm for mobility inquiries. This is a two-part registration. After registering for AACC trip course, please complete the Emergency Contact and Menu Selection form at Students will meet in parking lot G - rear of the CALT building.