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MAT-045 Introduction to Precalculus

Study intermediate algebra topics focused on the essential skills and applications required for MAT 145 - Precalculus 1. Topics include algebra of linear, rational, and radical expressions; algebra, composition, and inversion of functions; quadratic, rational, radical, absolute value, and systems of linear equations; linear, compound, and absolute value inequalities; and graphing linear, nonlinear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions, including translations and reflections, and systems of inequalities. Prerequisite: Appropriate score on AACC's mathematics placement measures, or completion of MAT 044 with a grade of C or higher, or successful completion of an approved mathematics preparation course. Note: MAT 045 and MAT 145 may be taken in the same semester. A grade of at least C is required in MAT 045 to start MAT 145.

Term: Summer 2025

Course Type: Credit - 3 Equivalent Credits

Section: 031

Ways to take the class: Face-to-face


Time: 9:00AM to 9:50AM

Start Date: 05/27/2025

End Date: 08/17/2025

Location: Arnold Campus

Room: HUM 101 Building:

Instructor: Alejandro Escoto (Subject to change)

Class Size: 24

Section Info: Note: Students enrolling in this section must also register for MAT 145-031.