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ART-258 Game Character Design

Learn through hands on experience the process of creating 3D video game characters. Create polygonal models, generate textures and normal maps, rig, animate, and export assets into a game engine to produce a fully playable game character. Lab fee $30.

Term: Spring 2025

Course Type: Credit - 3 Credits

Section: 400

Ways to take the class: Online Blended

Days: T

Time: 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Start Date: 01/22/2025

End Date: 05/18/2025

Location: Online

Room: OL Building:
Online Synchronous

Instructor: Drew M Snyder (Subject to change)

Class Size: 18

Section Info: This section is a blend with online and virtual instruction. Regular attendance in online class sessions on Tuesdays from 7pm-9pm is expected for this section.