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HTH-929 Functional Mobility/Balance II

Functional Mobility and Balance 2 | Continue to improve and maintain coordination, balance and agility. Study fall prevention and strength concepts and activities. Note: Senior Cycle fee class. Students must be 55 years or older by start date in order to enroll in this class.

Term: Fall 2024

Course Type: Noncredit - 0.0 CEUs

Section: 903

Ways to take the class: Face-to-face

Days: Varies

Time: 1:15PM to 2:15PM

Start Date: 10/08/2024

End Date: 12/19/2024

Location: Off-Campus

Room: Varies

Instructor: Mary B Krause (Subject to change)

Class Size: 20

Section Info: Note: Tai Chi with Yoga Influence. No class November 5 and 28.