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grants and scholarships
Grants are financial aid you do not have to pay back. Deadlines and requirements vary; be sure to take note of and meet all deadlines and requirements.

The first step to applying for grants from the federal government and the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) is to complete a FAFSA.

For full consideration for state grants and scholarships, complete your FAFSA by March 1 each year. If you file past the March 1 deadline, you will still be considered for federal financial aid opportunities.

Apply online at AACC’s Federal School Code is 002058.

Federal Grants

Students must meet all general eligibility requirements and the specific requirements for each award offer.

Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell Grants can help fund full- and part-time students who have not previously earned a bachelor’s degree. Pell Grants can provide a foundation of financial aid to which aid from other sources may be added.

The amount of Federal Pell Grant funds you may receive over your lifetime is limited by federal law to be the equivalent of six years of Pell Grant funding. Since the maximum amount of Pell Grant funding you can receive each year is equal to 100%, the six-year equivalent is 600%.

Eligibility and award amounts are based on each student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Payment amounts also vary based on each student's level of enrollment (quarter time, half time, three-quarters time and full time).

Learn more about Federal Pell Grants.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) provides supplemental funds to students with exceptional need, with priority given to Federal Pell Grant recipients.

Exceptional need is defined as the lowest EFC and remaining need per federal-need-analysis methodology. Because FSEOG funds are limited, students should apply by completing their FAFSA as early as possible for consideration.

Students must be enrolled and have not previously earned a bachelor’s degree or first professional degree. Funding is prorated based on enrollment for full- and part-time students. 

Learn more about Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants.

"Parent Killed in the Line of Duty" May Qualify for Maximum Pell Grant 

Students who answer “yes” to the 2024-2025 FAFSA question “Parent Killed in Line of Duty’” may be eligible for receive the maximum Pell Grant under a Special Rule in the Higher Education Act, Section 401(c). To receive a Pell Grant based on eligibility under the Special Rule, a student must be:

  • The child of a parent or guardian who died in the line of duty while (a) serving on active duty as a member of the Armed Forces on or after Sept. 11, 2001; or (b) actively serving as and performing the duties of a public safety officer; and
  • Less than 33 years old as of the Jan. 1 prior to the award year for which the applicant is applying (e.g., for the 2024-25 award year, a student must be less than 33 years old as of Jan. 1, 2024, to be eligible).

Students who indicate that their parent died in the line of duty on the 2024-2025 FAFSA will receive notification regarding documentation our office requires to determine if they qualify for the Pell Grant under the Special Rule. 

Maryland Grants and Scholarships

Students who wish to be considered for state aid must submit the FAFSA by March 1 each year. You must meet all general eligibility requirements and the specific requirements for each award offer.

The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) awards a variety of grants and scholarships to Maryland residents attending Maryland colleges and universities. Criteria is varied for each type of grant or scholarship that is offered.

  • Some have very broad eligibility criteria.
  • Some require financial need.
  • Many are based on student or parent membership in a unique group (veterans, Maryland National Guard, foster care, military service in Iraq or Afghanistan, etc.).
  • Others are focused toward specific career fields such as child care, education, emergency medical services, gerontology, human services, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, and public service.
  • Most require students to submit an additional application or documentation.

For a full list of programs, deadlines, separate application and eligibility requirements, visit the MHEC website.

Learn more about Maryland state scholarships through MHEC.

Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship

The Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship provides up to $5,000 in tuition assistance per year for eligible students who attend a Maryland community college. As a “last dollar” scholarship, it covers remaining tuition and fees after other federal and state financial aid has been applied.

Learn more about the Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship

Howard P. Rawlings Educational Assistance Grant and Guaranteed Access Grant

The Educational Assistance and Guaranteed Access Grants require you to meet credit completion benchmarks. You must also meet all other criteria to maintain your award. Certificate students are not eligible to receive the Educational Assistance Grants.

  • Complete 30 credit hours by the end of your second academic year to receive the full award the next school year.
  • Complete between 24 and 29 credits and, by the end of your second academic year, you may be eligible for a prorated award amount the next school year.
  • Completing less than 24 credits, by the end of your second academic year, will make you ineligible for these awards.

Learn more about the Howard P. Rawlings Educational Assistance Grant.

Learn about Howard P. Rawlings Guaranteed Access Grant.

Maryland Part-time Grant

AACC awards these state grants based on financial need. You must be pursuing an associate degree, taking 3 to 11 credits per term and be a Maryland resident. Certificate students are not eligible.

Learn more about the Maryland Part-time Grant.

Legislative Scholarships

The Maryland Higher Education Commission outlines guidelines for the delegate and senatorial scholarship programs in which state delegates award scholarships to students who permanently reside within their legislative district.

Please confirm your elected representative before applying. Applying to the incorrect office may result in missed deadlines and opportunities for an award.

Learn more about senatorial scholarships.

Learn more about delegate scholarships.


The purpose of the Edward T. and Mary A. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance to certain students due to their eligible military or public safety service, or their eligible family or marital relationship to such an individual.

The purpose of the Jean B. Cryor Memorial Scholarship Program is to provide student financial assistance to eligible children and surviving spouses of school employees who, as a victim in an act of violence occurring in the line of duty, either died or sustained an injury that rendered the school employee 100% disabled.

Applications are available on the AACC Scholarship Portal.

Learn more about the Edward T. and Mary A. Conroy Memorial and Jean B. Cryor Memorial Scholarship Programs.



Information About Accepting State Grants and Scholarships


The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) will start evaluating information provided on the FAFSA or One App after March 1. Emails will be sent directly to you from the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Meeting all required deadlines is important to help secure any grants and scholarships from MHEC.


The Maryland College Aid Processing System (MDCAPS) is the online system used for students to view the status of their potential state grants. In order to access this system, you must create an MDCAPS account by visiting the MDCAPS website

Once your account has been created you can view all required outstanding documents under Check Your Application Status. All documents must be submitted to MHEC by the required deadline as stated in the instructions.

Important tips:

  • MHEC strongly advises you to submit all requested documentation as soon as you receive the first notification.
  • Check your MDCAPS account regularly to view any changes, additional documentation or documents not received by MHEC.
  • Review each form to ensure that all documents are completed accurately and all forms are completed in accordance with instructions outlined on the form.
  • Allow at least 14 business days for MHEC to process documents that have been submitted.
  • One App applicants may not see the outstanding documents required in MDCAPS, however, they will be notified of all documents required by MHEC.


MHEC will notify you when they have awarded you a grant or scholarship. If you fail to accept the award(s) within the allotted time frame through MDCAPS, the award will be canceled and not reinstated.


The MHEC One App is available to applicants who are ineligible to receive federal aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The MHEC One App allows qualified children of undocumented immigrants, who qualify for in-state tuition under 15–106.8. of the Maryland Education Article​ to apply and be considered for certain types of Maryland state need-based financial aid. Review the MHEC One App FAQs for details. 

Complete the MHEC One App using MDCAPS.

If you have questions about your award, refer to the communications you received from MHEC. You can log in to your MDCAPS account and send secure message to MHEC with any questions.

  • If you fail to accept the award(s) within the allotted time frame through MDCAPS, the award will be canceled and not reinstated.
  • MHEC and AACC's financial aid office are in constant communication with updates and changes to awards throughout the school year.
  • MHEC has an Electronic File Upload Tool to submit documentation to the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) as required for certain state grant/scholarship programs, online through your Maryland College Aid Processing System (MDCAPS) account. 

Financial aid, including grants and scholarships, will be disbursed after course start dates, drop deadlines and after attendance has been confirmed. You also must meet all eligibility requirements as notified by our office and the specific requirements for each award offer.


Learn more about AACC scholarship opportunities and apply now.


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You can apply for financial aid at any time. AACC encourages you to submit your FAFSA when it becomes available in December.


Emergency Support

Learn more about the 
Helplink Grant and other available resources for students in crisis.