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Drones in Homeland Security and Criminal Justice

Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024 at 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM - Arnold - Careers Center, Room 200

Whether you're already interested in a career involving drones or just curious about the latest technology in security and justice, this session is a great opportunity to gain valuable insights and learn how to enhance your skill set. We look forward to your participation and exploring the future of drones together!

You're invited to a special session that will provide an in-depth look at how drones are revolutionizing security and law enforcement. During this session your will learn about:

  • Courses available at AACC focused on drone technology and training
  • Current laws and regulations governing drone usage
  • Real-world applications of drones in criminal justice and homeland security, including surveillance, search and rescue, border patrol and more.

There will also be a live drone demonstration (weather permitting)!

For more information email Darian Senn-Carter, Ed.D, at