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Book Talk: "When We Hear Them: Attuning Teachers to Language-Diverse Learners"

Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 at 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - Arnold - Florestano Building Room 422

Attend this event to learn more about language diversity in educational contexts, engage with the authors and editors, and kick off AACC's recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month a few days early.

"When We Hear Them: Attuning Teachers to Language-Diverse Learners" (2024) is a recently published book edited by AACC instructional specialist Owen Silverman Andrews and Associate Professor Antione Tomlin featuring chapters by AACC instructor Linda Neuman and AACC student Thuta. This event is sponsored by the Academic Literacies, English Language Learning – Adult Education and World Languages departments.