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Do you have questions about the admissions process for a Health Sciences program? Find some answers here.

What is “selective admission”?

Selective admission programs are those Health Sciences programs for which certain prerequisites or minimum prior academic achievements are required before you can apply to or enter the program. Some selective admission programs are also limited in the number of students they can accept each year. Selective health sciences admission program applications are available certain times of the year and have an application deadline.

I received an acceptance letter from Anne Arundel Community College. Does that mean I’m accepted into my Health Sciences program?

The letter you received from AACC’s admissions office means you have been accepted to the college and you have designated the curriculum of study that you wish to study at AACC. However, this is not acceptance into the health sciences program. There is a separate application process for selective and rolling admission health sciences programs. You can take prerequisites and other general education courses needed for your program and meet with a health sciences academic advisor to learn how to become eligible for the program of your choice. You will still need to complete the health sciences program application and meet the admissions requirements specific to your chosen program. 

What are the steps for getting into a selective admission program?

To gain admittance to one of these programs, you must:

  • Apply to AACC and submit official transcripts from prior academic institutions.
  • Meet with a health sciences academic advisor. Visit our Academic Advising page to schedule an advising appointment.
  • Complete the academic and admission requirements. These include the prerequisite courses and testing required for the program.
  • Submit a complete program application to by deadline, if applicable.

What is the application deadline?

The application deadline varies depending on the program. Some programs have specific deadlines while others accept applications on a rolling basis. To find the application deadline for your program, visit our Health Sciences Applicants page.

Am I required to attend an information session?

Attendance at an information session is not required, but highly recommended to obtain the most current program information before applying to a program. Information sessions cover admission and academic requirements, the application and selection process, the curriculum, and career opportunities. Sessions, which are conducted by the program faculty, are held virtually or in person and run 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the program. 

When are the information sessions scheduled?

Information sessions are scheduled at various times, either remotely or in person. The schedule of sessions may be found on the online calendar.

I need to take the Arithmetic Placement test and/or the TEAS test. What do I do?

The Arithmetic Placement test will be available remotely and in person. Email the testing office at to schedule a remote testing appointment or discuss your testing options.

To register for the virtual TEAS test, visit the ATI website for directions on what to expect and how to register.

What if I already took some of the courses that are required?

If you have successfully completed courses with a grade of C or better that are prerequisites or general education course requirements for the program, you will not have to take those courses again. Some programs require that prerequisite courses be completed within a certain time frame and/or with a B or better. Be sure to review the admission requirements and attend the information session for additional information about your specific program of interest.

What if I took courses at another college before I came to AACC?

To transfer courses from your previous college, request an official transcript and have it sent to AACC’s Records and Registration office. To find out how to request a transcript, check with your previous college’s records office. If you receive transfer credit for prerequisites or program requirements, you will not have to retake those courses if they are within the time frame and grade required by your program.

How can I submit an official transcript?

You are encouraged to submit transcripts electronically as this will significantly reduce the amount of time needed to process them. If you have taken program prerequisites or other general education courses at a nationally recognized institution other than AACC, you must submit official transcripts with your application for review.

Learn more about submitting official high school transcripts and GED® equivalence.

Learn more about transfer credit.

I see ENG-101/ENG-101A and ENG-102 on the list of prerequisites or required courses. What if I took ENG-111, ENG-115 or ENG-121?

If you successfully completed ENG-111, ENG-115 or ENG-121, you have met the requirements for ENG-101/ENG-101A.

Where can I find the application for my program?

Applications can be found on the Health Sciences Applicants page as they become available.

I need to submit a paper copy of my program application. How do I submit a paper application?

You may email your paper application as a PDF file to Once the application is received, you will receive an email notification. If you do not receive a reply within two business days, please email us again. Do not email your full date of birth or Social Security number. These are not requested on your program application and we want to make sure that no protected information is sent via email.

In addition, paper applications may be mailed to:

Anne Arundel Community College
Attention:  School of Health Sciences Admissions, HLSB 174
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012

What else is required for admission to my program?

All students who are offered acceptance to a Health Sciences program must submit to a criminal background check. Most programs also require a health examination record and an American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR certification. Some programs also require a urine drug screen. Final acceptance will be dependent on successful completion of these specific program requirements.

Be sure to review the requirements for your specific program before you apply.

If I submit an application, how will I know whether I am accepted?

You will be sent an email to your MyAACC student email.

What can I do if I do not get accepted into the program of my choice?

You have the option to reapply to the program or consider another related program. Be sure to review your application for any areas of improvement. For help in determining your options, see your Health Sciences academic advisor

Where can I get additional information?