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Minutes from the 2024-2025 board of trustees public sessions will appear below after meetings have been held.

September 10, 2024, Board of Trustees Public Session Minutes

Members present: Dr. Nadine Chien, Chair; A. Joyce Price-Jones, Vice Chair; Shahbaz Chaudhry; Sandra E. Moore; Jennifer Pastrone; Roxana Rodriguez; JaCina N. Stanton-Buttrom; Anelle R. Tumminello (via Zoom); Lawrence W. Ulvila, Jr.; Devin Keller; and Dr. Dawn Lindsay, President 

I.    Call to Order, Dr. Nadine Chien, Chair

The meeting was called to order at 3:59 p.m.

II.    Welcome and Introductions, Dr. Nadine Chien, Chair

Dr. Chien welcomed everyone to Anne Arundel Community College’s (AACC) first Board of Trustees public session meeting for this fiscal year. She highlighted the expansion of the Board from eight to ten members, emphasizing the benefits of increased diversity and geographical representation. Dr. Chien stressed the Board's role in setting College policies, fiscal oversight, and ensuring the College's continued relevance and viability. She expressed confidence in the Board and the President's team to work together to achieve these goals.

A.    Board of Trustees Member Jennifer Pastrone

Dr. Chien welcomed new Board of Trustees member Jennifer Pastrone. Ms. Pastrone is the executive director of Seeds 4 Success, a nonprofit in Annapolis, providing after-school mentoring programs to children and youth from pre-kindergarten to college and career. She brings over 20 years of education and nonprofit management, and she currently serves on the Anne Arundel County Childhood Taskforce. She holds a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and a Master of Education from Lehigh University, and AACC is pleased to have a Board member representing Southern Anne Arundel County.

B.    Board of Trustees Member Roxana Rodriguez

Dr. Chien introduced new Board of Trustees member Roxana Rodriguez, who is a successful business entrepreneur, with an expertise in hospitality management. She is the co-founder of Caliente Grill, a restaurant known for its authentic Latin experience and significant community involvement. She is passionate about community service and has dedicated more than 25 years to volunteering and advocating for the Latino community, schools, and organizations. She is a champion for cultural diversity and inclusion among community leaders, and currently serves on the Board of Leadership Anne Arundel as well.

C.    Board of Trustees Member Anelle R. Tumminello

Dr. Chien welcomed new Board of Trustees member Anelle Tumminello, a retired teacher/administrator, writer and presenter. She developed content, training and assessment programs for school systems, government, corporations, juvenile facilities and private and nonprofit organizations. One of her roles was supervising Anne Arundel County Public Schools' English for 10 years, writing curriculum, evaluations, educational philosophy, manuals and programs. She is a graduate of Baltimore City Public Schools with a Master of Science degree from Johns Hopkins University and a Master of Fine Arts from Bennington College. She is also a lifelong learner at AACC. 

D.    Board of Trustees Student Member Devin Keller

Lastly, Dr. Chien welcomed Devin Keller, the new Student Member of the Board of Trustees. He served in the U.S. Army for eight years, and during his service, he developed and honed his leadership and organization skills, built relationships and effectively managed teams and projects. Mr. Keller is studying information assurance and cybersecurity at AACC, and currently serves as a Black Male Institute mentor. He is committed to advocating and representing the student voice on the Board of the Trustees. 

III.    Roll Call and Approval of the Agenda, Dr. Nadine Chien, Chair        

Dr. Chien asked for the roll call and approval of the agenda. By motion of Mr. Ulvila, seconded by Ms. Moore, and a roll call taken of trustees to determine their vote, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved the agenda. 

IV.    Approval of 2024-2025 Full-Time Faculty Tenure Track and Term Appointments

A.    Approval of the 2024-2025 Full-Time Faculty Tenure Track and Term Appointments (Action Item) – Dr. Tanya Millner, Provost/Vice President for Learning

Dr. Millner asked the Board to approve the full-time faculty tenure track and term appointments for 2024–2025, which included twelve new faculty members. Funding for the requested faculty appointments will come from the Division of Learning operations budget, which has been confirmed by the Business and Financial Resources Office that the fiscal year 2025 base budget and assumptions approved by the Board of Trustees include sufficient funding to support this request. 

By motion of Mr. Ulvila, seconded by Ms. Price-Jones, and a roll call taken of trustees to determine their vote, the Board of Trustees approved the full-time faculty tenure track and term appointments. 

B.    Introduction of New Faculty – Dr. Tanya Millner, Provost/Vice President for Learning 

Dr. Millner introduced the new faculty to the Board: Dr. Karen Barber, Art History; Kathryn Blood, Nursing; Dr. Hannah Bredar, English; Jameson Coopman, Biology; Louis King, Jr., Business Management; Dr. Christopher MacDonald, Kinesiology; Heather Mason, Nursing; Rhianna Moyer, Nursing; Juli Pastrana, Nursing; Dr. Nicholas Shaman, Psychology; Lonni Summers, J.D., Legal Studies; and Andrew Yolleck, Physics. 

V.    Consent Agenda 

Dr. Chien presented the Consent Agenda. Ms. Moore moved to approve the Consent Agenda, which was seconded by Ms. Stanton-Buttrom.  A roll call was taken of trustees to determine their vote, and the Board of Trustees approved the Consent Agenda, with three abstentions (Ms. Pastrone, Ms. Rodriguez, and Ms. Tumminello):

•    Approval of the Minutes of the June 18, 2024, Board of Trustees Public Session.
•    Approval of the Minutes of the June 18, 2024, Board of Trustees Closed Session.

VI.    Board Committee Reports

A.    Reports for September

1.    Audit & Finance Committee – A. Joyce Price-Jones, Committee Chair

Ms. Price-Jones stated the Audit and Finance Committee met via Zoom on September 4 and discussed the fiscal year 2024 audit, the committee's roles and responsibilities, accounting procedures, and regulatory updates. The committee also reviewed the fiscal year 2024 financial status report and the status of the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust. 

Ms. Christina Bowman, Principal, from CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP presented an overview of the planned fiscal year 2024 audit, including scope of services and deliverables; audit approach, plan, and timing; risk assessment; and regulations and auditing updates. 

The committee also received updates on the implementation of a new accounting standard and the College's information security and business continuity programs. College staff provided updates on the implementation timeline for a new accounting standard from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The committee will continue to receive updates on the implementation of the new standard at future meetings. 

The committee was also notified by College staff that Moody’s had recently contacted the College to update information related to the College’s bond rating, and a meeting is scheduled later this fall. The last update Moody’s reaffirmed its A2 rating, with a stable outlook, for the College. 

The committee then discussed the fiscal year 2024 operating budget status report. The anticipated annual results project a balanced budget with the college operating within existing resources. 

Lastly, the committee received an update on the status of the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust, which as of June 30, 2024, has approximately $28.1 million set aside for costs associated with retiree health benefits. It was also noted that in July, the county made an additional $1.1 million contribution to the trust on behalf of the College for fiscal year 2025. This is the 5th county-funded contribution to the trust and positive demonstration of the county’s support to address this liability going forward. 

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for October 9, where the committee will review the results of the audit and draft financial statements.  

2.    Board Policy Oversight Committee – A. Joyce Price-Jones, Committee Chair

Ms. Price-Jones reported that the Board Policy Oversight Committee met via Zoom on August 19 to review two new policies, and one interim policy. The Grade Appeals Policy and Student Grievance Policy were presented to the Board as information items, and they will be presented as action items at the October Board meeting.

The Board currently does not have a Grade Appeals Policy. This new policy establishes a consistent, fair, prompt, impartial and equitable process by which students may seek review of final grades assigned in classes. The Board currently does not have a Student Grievance Policy. This new policy establishes a process for students and student groups to express and resolve grievances with any College employee in a prompt, fair, and equitable manner.

Ms. Price-Jones stated that the committee also requested consensus from the Board to delegate authority to the President to revise the current Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy and create an Interim Nondiscrimination Policy. The Board currently has an Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy. However, there is a need to be in compliance with applicable law and regulations, and the College has identified a gap or omission that creates an immediate risk or vulnerability for the College. There were no objections from the Board.

Ms. Price-Jones presented the three policies for approval: the Animal Policy, Disability Accommodations Policy, and the revised Procurement Policy.

The Board currently does not have an Animal Policy. This policy describes the circumstances that employees, students, and visitors to the College are permitted to bring animals into College buildings or on College property. Per the Board’s Policy on the Development of Policies and Procedures, general counsel and AACC staff have reviewed the Policy. The College’s constituency groups have reviewed this Policy and provided feedback, which has been incorporated into the final draft. If the Board of Trustees approves the Policy, it will become effective on the date it is published on the College’s website after it is approved by the Board. By motion of Ms. Moore, seconded by Ms. Tumminello, and a roll call taken of trustees to determine their vote, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved the adoption of the Animal Policy.

The Board currently does not have a Disability Accommodations Policy. This policy describes the rights for employees, applicants, students, and visitors to request and receive disability accommodations in accordance with the College’s policies and relevant laws and regulations regarding Disability Accommodations, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Per the Board’s Policy on the Development of Policies and Procedures, general counsel and AACC staff have reviewed the Policy. The College’s constituency groups have reviewed this Policy and provided feedback, which has been incorporated into the final draft. If the Board of Trustees approves the Policy, it will become effective on the date it is published on the College’s website after it is approved by the Board. 

Mr. Keller moved to approve the Disability Accommodations Policy, which was seconded by Ms. Stanton-Buttrom. Mr. Chaudhry commented that there were quite a few new policies, and asked about the process the Board uses to review current policies, and determines what policies are needed. The Board Chair asked if Ms. Monica Rausa, Special Assistant would like to respond. Ms. Rausa shared that there is a comprehensive list of Board policies, and the Board Policy Oversight Committee reviews that list with the President, General Counsel, and the President’s leadership team to identify gaps and prioritize them, considering new federal and state legislation and other factors as well. Mr. Chaudhry appreciated the clarification about the process. A roll call was taken of trustees to determine their vote, and the Board of Trustees unanimously approved the adoption of the Disability Accommodations Policy.

The committee recommended revising the Procurement Policy. This policy was last updated in 2014. The revision included increasing the threshold for Board approval from $100,000 to $250,000 and updating the format in accordance with the Policy on the Development of Policies and Procedures. The rationale for increasing the threshold was to streamline the procurement process and improve efficiency. This revised policy has also been reviewed by the Facilities Committee. Per the Board’s Policy on the Development of Policies and Procedures, general counsel and AACC staff have reviewed the Policy. If the Board of Trustees approves the Policy, it will become effective on the date it is published on the College’s website after it is approved by the Board. By motion of Mr. Ulvila, seconded by Mr. Chaudhry, and a roll call taken of trustees to determine their vote, the Board of Trustees approved the revised Procurement Policy.

3.    Budget Committee – Sandra E. Moore, Committee Chair

Ms. Moore reported that the Board Budget Committee met via Zoom on September 5 and discussed collective bargaining, the lockdown drill, benefits open enrollment, fiscal year 2025 Budget Committee meeting topics, and the fiscal year 2024 Financial Status Report. Beginning this fiscal year, the Board’s Human Resources committee will not meet, and any human resources-related topics will be discussed at the Budget Committee meetings.

Collective bargaining training for the full Board is planned for later this fall. The lockdown drill is planned for September 17. This is the second annual drill which is required by state law. The 
College community has been notified and a training video has been provided so that the College community knows what to expect during the drill. For the Human Resources topics, it was noted that the College’s employee benefits open enrollment period will be October 14 through the 31. The College participates in a benefits pooling agreement with the county and library, with benefits and plan design determined by the county. 

Lastly, the committee reviewed the final fiscal year 2024 operating budget status report. It was noted that this report is subject to final year-end closing adjustments. The annual results show that tuition and fee revenue and other income exceeded the budget due to increased enrollment and higher interest rates earned on cash balances. The College ended the year with a balanced budget, operating within existing resources consistent with prior projections.

The committee discussed the planned fiscal year 2025 budget committee meetings and topics to be discussed at each meeting. The meetings are aligned to ensure the committee has a budget proposal and supporting information for the full Board budget workshop scheduled for February 13, from 8:30 to noon. The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for November 8.

4.    Facilities Committee – Lawrence W. Ulvila, Jr., Committee Chair

Mr. Ulvila stated that the committee met via Zoom on September 3 and discussed the 2026 Facilities Master Plan and reviewed a high-level written document that will guide the development of the plan. Mr. Ulvila will serve as the Board’s representative on the Master Plan Steering team, which oversees the development of the plan. This team includes College leadership and a representative from each of the employee constituency groups, reflecting the committee’s commitment to shared governance. The Facilities Committee and the full Board will have an opportunity to review the draft plan later next calendar year, and the plan will be presented to full Board for approval at the January 2026 meeting. 

The committee also discussed the list of future procurements for fiscal year 2025 and noted that the list reflects the change in the Board’s revised procurement policy. Lastly, the committee received an update on Campus Projects, specifically the county’s Broadneck Trail project, Florestano and Dragun building renovations, and the gym roof project. The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for October 1. 

5.    AACC Foundation – Dr. Nadine Chien, Lead Liaison 

Mr. Keller shared a thank you letter from a student for a scholarship. With all the new members on the Board of Trustees, Dr. Chien described the partnership between the AACC foundation, their board, and the College. She reported that as of August 29, 2024, the AACC Foundation’s fundraising total was just over $490,000 in gifts and commitments. This fiscal year, the Foundation has a goal to raise $2 million for the following initiatives: Nursing scholarships, HelpLink, HelpLink for Nursing, Workforce Development scholarships and equipment for Health Sciences. 

B.    No Reports for September

1.    Board Development Committee – Shahbaz Chaudhry, Committee Chair

VII.     President’s Report – Dr. Dawn Lindsay, President

A.    Information Items 

1.    College Updates – Dr. Dawn Lindsay, President 

Dr. Lindsay reported that Convocation was on August 21 to start the new academic year. There was an engaging guest speaker, who demonstrated the use of AI to identify issues facing higher education, and Convocation ended with an employee luncheon, which was a great way to reconnect and spend time with colleagues.

Dr. Lindsay was pleased to report that as of Monday, September 9, the College was at 3,028.6 full-time equivalent (FTE), which was up 4.8% from last year. The College exceeded its final target by 43.6 FTE for the fall. The retention rate of 60.5% was slightly higher than last year as well. Dr. Lindsay congratulated the faculty and staff for all of their efforts.

Dr. Lindsay shared that the School of Science, Technology and Education received a $600,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to increase student participation in undergraduate research. The goal is to improve student retention and success in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and to create a research-intensive summer experience program geared toward high school students.

She noted that the annual Service Awards Celebration was on September 4, where AACC honored faculty and staff celebrating work anniversaries in 5-year increments all the way up to 40 years of service at the College.

Lastly, September 6 was AACC Night at the Bowie Baysox baseball game. Athletic Director Duane Herr had the honor of throwing the ceremonial first pitch of the game. In addition to Duane participating, one of the College’s former student athletes, Shane Emerson, who now works for the Bowie Baysox, caught Duane’s pitch. 

Dr. Lindsay shared that also included in the Board materials are information items for each month’s meeting, including the AACC Workforce Dashboard, which highlights demographics of the College’s employees; talking points for Board members for the community; the capital projects status report; and the police and public safety report.

2.    Academic Forum/Council – Andrew Kim, Chair 

Mr. Kim shared that the committees were working on goals for the academic year that will be presented at the September 12 Academic Council meeting as information items, and then be voted on in October’s Forum meeting. Each committee will have at minimum one goal that is diversity, equity, inclusion, antiracism, and accessibility (DEIAA) related.

For the academic year, all Council and Forum meetings will be held via Zoom, except for the April Forum meeting (Convocation), which will be held in the Pascal Theater.  

3.    Administrative Staff Organization (ASO) – Dr. Angelo Thalassinidis, President 

Dr. Thalassindis thanked the Board of Trustees for their service, support and passion. He introduced the 2024-2025 leadership team, Stacy Korbelak, vice president, Assistant Dean, Business, Economics & Entrepreneurial Studies; Lance Bowen, secretary, Dean of Science, Technology, and Education; Darian Senn-Carter, member at large, Director, Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Institute, School of Business and Law; Kevin Miller, member at large, Director of Document Services, Administrative Services; Amberdawn Cheatham, member at large, Director, Office of Student Engagement; and Kathy Campbell, member at large, Director of Technology Support Services.

4.    Professional and Support Staff Organization (PSSO) – Laura Howard, Secretary

Ms. Howard was pleased to provide an update on behalf of the leadership team, president Caitlin Silver Negrón and vice president Rachel Ryckman. Plans for the upcoming year include updating the meeting structure to host monthly business meetings along with monthly professional enrichment workshops. 

The first meeting was August 14 to discuss goals. The finalized goals for fiscal year 2024 will be presented to the entire membership on September 12 and shared with the Board of Trustees once approved at the October meeting. 

5.    Student Government Association (SGA) – Jayeim Blake, President 

Mr. Blake shared that his vision as president was to create fun and memorial moments as students go through their education journey, making everyone feel welcomed and included. He highlighted some of the activities to start the new semester including Riverhawk Fest, which is a block party, that many students participated in between classes, and Donuts with Swoop (the College’s mascot) at Arundel Mills, Glen Burnie Town Center and Arnold campus. SGA is planning for the upcoming general forum, involvement fair, its senatorial election, and club applications.

6.    The Faculty Organization (TFO) – Brandi R. Shepard, President 

Ms. Shepard introduced the leadership team, vice president Erik Dunham, associate professor, visual arts and recorder Ken Jarvis, professor, Hotel, Culinary Arts, and Tourism Institute. This year, the theme is building community and building relationships, and they hosted the first Meet and Greet in August so faculty could meet their senators and officers.

The first meeting is scheduled for September 11, and committees will present their goals at the October meeting (Convocation). The leadership team will be focusing on streamlining and enhancing communication, from reports at meetings to weekly communications. Lastly, she shared that the leadership team and Mr. Kim are collaborating with Dr. Megan Myers and Dr. Rick Kralevich in regards to accessibility, and how to best support faculty to make course documents accessible.

7.    Maryland Association of Community Colleges (MACC) Activities – Dr. Dawn Lindsay, President

Dr. Lindsay shared for the new trustees that the Maryland Association of Community Colleges (MACC) is the organization that serves as an advocate for the state’s 16 community colleges. The MACC Board of Directors is comprised of the president and chair of the governing board from each college, and their primary role is to establish and monitor the strategic direction for community colleges. She reported that the Board of Directors met this summer on June 25, and reviewed the MACC annual report, adopted the budget, and elected the slate of officers for the upcoming year. Dr. Lindsay noted that she will continue to serve on the MACC executive committee this year.

She attended the Maryland Council of Community College Presidents retreat on August 5-6 at Garrett College, in which Senator Guy Guzzone, Chair of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee and Delegate Ben Barnes, Chair of the House Appropriations Committee met with the presidents, as well as the executive director of the Governor’s Workforce Development Board to discuss strategic initiatives and collaborations with MACC.

B.    Action Items

1.    Approval of the 2024 Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) Performance    Accountability Report – Dr. Tanya Millner, Provost/Vice President for Learning

Dr. Millner presented the 2024 Performance Accountability Report (PAR) is an annual report required by the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), which requires governing board approval.

Dr. Millner provided an overview of the PAR report including a summary of the data indicators that are aligned to the goals of the 2022 State Plan for Postsecondary Education: Access, Success, and Innovation. The report structure is defined by MHEC, which includes Student Characteristics and 28 indicators. This year, there were five prompt questions from MHEC that each institution must answer. The first four prompts were addressed in the narrative. For the 5th prompt, institutions were required to use MHEC’s template and provide a list of current and forthcoming federal grants specifically focused on student success. 

By motion of Mr. Ulvila, seconded by Ms. Price-Jones, and a roll call taken of trustees to determine their vote, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved Anne Arundel Community College’s 2024 Performance Accountability Report for submission to the Maryland Higher Education Commission by October 1.

VIII.    New Business

There was no new business.

IX.    Next Board Meeting – October 8, 2024

X.    Vote to Close Meeting – Dr. Nadine Chien, Chair

By motion of Ms. Price-Jones, seconded by Ms. Moore, and a roll call taken of trustees to determine their vote, the Board of Trustees unanimously voted to close the meeting to consult staff, consultants, or other individuals about pending or potential litigation, and discuss an investigative proceeding on actual or possible criminal conduct pursuant to Sections §§ 3-305(b)(8) and §§ 3-305(b)(12) of the General Provisions Article of the Maryland Code and to conduct or discuss an investigative proceeding on actual or possible criminal conduct.

XI. Adjournment

The public session was adjourned at 5:13 p.m.

A closed session of the Board of Trustees was held on June 18, 2024, at the Anne Arundel Community College Arnold Campus, 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012, in the Cade Center for Fine Arts Building, Room 228. Pursuant to sections §§3-305(b)(1) and 3-305(b)(8) of the Open Meetings Act, a vote was taken to close the meeting pursuant to the General Provisions Article of the Maryland Annotated Code Section 3-305(d)(2)(i)(ii). The following Board members voted to close the session: Lawrence W. Ulvila, Jr., Chair; Dr. Nadine Chien, Vice Chair; Shahbaz Chaudhry; Rachel Gwin; Dr. James H. Johnson, Jr. (via Zoom); Sandra E. Moore, A. Joyce Price-Jones; and JaCina Stanton-Buttrom. The following Board members were present at the meeting: Lawrence W. Ulvila, Jr., Chair; Dr. James H. Johnson, Jr. (via telephone); Sandra E. Moore; A. Joyce Price-Jones; and JaCina Stanton-Buttrom. Dr. Dawn Lindsay, President; Melissa Beardmore, Vice President for Learning Resources Management; Dr. Rick Kralevich, Vice President for Information and Instructional Technology; Dr. Tanya Millner, Provost/Vice President for Learning; Dr. Felicia Patterson, Vice President for Learner Support Services; Dr. Tiffany Boykin, General Counsel; and Monica Rausa, Special Assistant to the President were present as well. The meeting began at 5:52 p.m. The topics discussed included consultation about pending or potential litigation. Melissa Beardmore, Dr. Rick Kralevich, Dr. Tanya Millner, Dr. Felicia Patterson, Dr. Tiffany Boykin, and Monica Rausa left the meeting at 5:25 p.m. 

The Board of Trustees discussed the performance evaluation of the President. Dr. Lindsay left the meeting at 5:40 p.m. and rejoined at 5:50 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.