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Our admissions team is hosting in-person Personal Registration Day (PRD) sessions at all Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) starting in April. PRD sessions are an opportunity to meet with an Anne Arundel Community College representative who will assist with selecting and registering for summer and fall courses. We will host virtual PRD sessions for non-AACPS students.


Registration Information

I am an AACPS student.

The AACC admissions team will be hosting PRD sessions at all AACPS high schools. Sign-up for your session today!

I am an AACPS Evening High School student.

The AACC admissions team will be hosting AACPS Evening High School students in virtual PRD sessions. Sign-up for your session today!

I am a non-AACPS high school student.

The AACC admissions team will be hosting non-AACPS students in virtual PRD sessions. Sign-up for your session today!