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Anne Arundel Community College is committed to enhancing programs and services for students who are the first in their families to attend college, who need to build a foundation for success in college-level classes, who are low income or an ethnic minority to meet their academic goals.  One of the objectives of Student Achievement and Success Program (SASP) is to enhance student success by identifying SASP students who meet the eligibility requirements and award them an incentive scholarship.


The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage SASP participants to successfully achieve their educational goals by providing up to $500 a semester (fall or spring, receiving a maximum of $2,000 over four terms) financial incentive that encourages and rewards student persistence, achievement and success. Scholarship recipients will be required to participate in at least four new and existing SASP and other college services each term. All awards are contingent on the availability of funds on a yearly basis.


To be eligible to receive a SASP scholarship and/or maintain the scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled in an Anne Arundel Community College certificate or degree-seeking program.
  • Be enrolled in nine or more credit hours for the term the scholarship is being awarded. (Participants enrolled in fewer than 9 credits may be eligible based on the recommendation of the SASP director. Decision may be based on credit limitations imposed due to Satisfactory Academic Progress restrictions or director’s approval for fewer credits based on extenuating circumstances).
  • Have a minimum 2.0 adjusted GPA during the first and second terms; receiving a minimum 2.3 adjusted GPA during the third and fourth terms; be enrolled in nine or more credit hours for the term.
  • Participants without a GPA in their first term at AACC are eligible to receive the scholarship provided all other requirements are met.
  • Participants who took developmental/ESL coursework (no GPA) are eligible provided they receive a grade high enough to allow them to proceed to the next course in the sequence.
  • Demonstrate participation in at least four SASP/college services/activities.
  • Meet once each term with SASP representative to assess scholarship/academic status/progress.
  • Complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year and maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status each term (including OK and probationary status).
  • Be enrolled in “Student Success” (ACA 100), have successfully completed ACA 100 or meets one of the alternative options:
    -  Completed at least 15 credits with at least a 3.0 GPA.
    -  Completed over 23 credits with at least a 2.5 GPA.
    -  Transferred in an equivalent ACA 100 course.
    -  Transferred 12 credits.
    -  SASP director exemption based on documented extenuating circumstances.
    -  Black Male Institute (BMI) requirement of 15 hours of academic support/
        supplemental instruction (includes ACA 100 or BMI retreat, SASP/FYE/DEV Lab,
        Pathway workshops).

Students ineligible to receive the SASP Scholarship:

  • Students who are dependents or the spouse of regular college faculty or staff who are receiving (or eligible to receive) a tuition waiver.
  • Students who have not filed taxes for the year utilized to determine eligibility for Title IV financial aid.
  • Students who are not current with selective service.
  • Students who have Department of Homeland Security (DHLS) holds.
  • Students who have outstanding SASP-loaned textbooks, calculators or laptops.
  • Students with an earned first associate degree or bachelor’s degree.
  • Students who have exceeded the maximum award amount ($2,000).
  • Participants not meeting any of the eligibility requirements may be considered in subsequent enrolled term(s) if eligibility criteria are attained.
For more information about this program, please contact SASP at 410-777-2530 or